Four years after the creation of Songhai, we began to train young agricultural entrepreneurs with a clear goal: these men and women are trained to be stewards of development for the African continent.
But how?
The idea is to train young entrepreneurs who are capable of replicating the Songhai model everywhere, starting mainly in their own community or village. They can contribute to the sustainable development of their communities by creating jobs and thus preventing the rural exodus; by ensuring food self-sufficiency of the region and contributing to the well-being of the people who will become more aware of the components of the products they consume; by training other young people willing to work in the field, and who thus contribute to the education of the youth of their village; and by providing services such as electricity and gas for the happiness of all. This therefore means that replicating the Songhai model in every city and town in African countries can only bring happiness and, therefore, develop the entire continent. And this is our commitment to Songhai. All of our training is focused on this logic. This is explains the spiritual dimension and the value system we hope to instill in trainees, beyond the knowledge and skills they acquire during the training. All these ingredients make them leaders — true leaders.
A framework also has been created to monitor and support some trainees after program completion, particularly young women, who can benefit from micro-credit to culture. set up their farms.
Who can take the training?
Our training is open to anyone who wishes to receive or to deepen his/her knowledge in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship. The duration and the cost vary depending on the selected option (internship or full training). Special preference is given to Benin nationals in full-time training: they are exempted from training fees and are offered accommodations and food.