The Project
Project Definition
We define our project as the development of an integrated Agricultural Farm at Awa Ndon comprising Poultry, Aquaculture, Piggery, Crop production, Feed Milling and Training, using improved feedstock and modern soil improvement techniques to achieve higher yields per acre.
Justification for the project
- Improving National Economic Outlook.
- Filling Supply Gaps.
- Reducing Huge Import Bills.
- Reducing Losses from Poor Harvest Management.
- Provision of Alternative Revenue Source.
- Enhancing Integration Advantages.
- Promoting Improved Packaging for International Retail Chains.
- Achieving Multiple Revenue Streams.
- Achieving Improved Yields from Superior Techniques.
The much talked about diversification of our economy from a mono-product economy could be best achieved with this type of well planned investment in agriculture. Job creation, tax revenue for government and her agencies, growth for the company and dividend for its shareholders which this project clearly promises complete the justification for the project
Marketing Strategy
As a new entrant into a highly competitive market with products that are homogeneous, the marketing strategies will not be so much about doing different things from what others are doing but rather doing what others are doing differently
Competition Strategy
We shall leverage on our integration advantages and superior techniques, which are expected to guarantee us low input cost and output that are above average to deliver very qualitative product at highly competitive price as a way of staying ahead of competition
Operating Strategy
If you are faced with a cost structure, where you cannot increase price without losing sales or reduce cost without compromising quality, the only option available to you is to be operationally efficient. Our operational strategies will focus on continuous research that will help us achieve high efficiency in our operation.